TfL’s future in Khan’s hands
[Re: “Managed decline”, yesterday]
Great front page headline City A.M. “Managed Decline” (18th November). The reality on Transport for London is London’s future is in the Mayor of London’s hands.
He can reform the pre 1980’s era style union working practices and pay and conditions which are so generous other public sector workers are envious.
Or not.
Other cities have Mayors with vision Labour and Conservative,
unfortunately we Londoners have Sadiq Khan.
Tony Devenish
[Re: Letters, November 16]
Your correspondent in the letters section replying to the piece about social mobility in the Square Mile suggests that young people coming into London might not be able to afford somewhere to live, and thus cannot hope to move upward.
Far from “the barrier being insurmountable”, young people in their early 20s have always come from all over the world into London. They have lived in bedsits and crowded flatshares, they have worked two jobs and bought standing places in theatres.
Some stay; some marry, move out and commute.
Others go back to their home city for a more relaxing way of life; and indeed, a house with a garden.
J M Castles