Letters: Accountability for all in health
[Re: Our healthcare leaders need financial acumen to fix the holes in the NHS, August 16]
I read Alex Day’s comments about the need for financial acumen in the NHS. He is certainly correct in this, but his example doesn’t reach all the parts.
How many of us outside the edifice of the health service have the vaguest notion of how the various trusts, health authorities and commissions relate to one another?
Which leads me to the conclusion that Alex Day’s sentiments [that there should be more accountability as to who is in charge] should also apply to all the outposts of the NHS.
John Meachen
[Re: Front page: On your bike (and even that’s getting more expensive), August 19]
Is it not about time the Santander (neé Boris bikes) grow up a little? I hope if they are making them more expensive they also upgrade the unseemly app which is often crashing.
Compare it to others in the market who have put significant investment in – being the cheapest is the last remaining draw card of Santander bikes.
Luka Durrell