Sadiq Khan: Mayor to write book on winning support for climate change policy

Sadiq Khan will publish his first book early next year, Breathe, which publishers say will be a “warm and practical” guide to winning support for “tough climate action.”
Khan’s book will be a “seven step guide” to persuading citizens and businesses to get on board with policies to fight climate change.
The book will identify the “ways environmental action gets blown off course” and reveal how to get it back on track by convincing sceptics, overcoming voters’ cynicism and “shaking hands with everyone from your fiercest opponents to the most steadfast climate activists.”
Profits from the book will be donated to environmental charities.
The book’s title Breathe refers to Khan’s adult-onset asthma brought on by breathing in polluted air.
Khan has introduced a range of at times controversial ‘green’ policies including the Ultra Low-Emission Zone – effectively a tax on higher polluting vehicles – and a vast expansion of the city’s cycle lanes.
Sadiq Khan said: “Climate change is the biggest threat facing our world, and since being elected Mayor I’ve made it a mission to clean up London’s killer air pollution and reduce our carbon emissions so we can build a better, greener city for everyone. “
The book will be published in May of next year.
Khan is not the only significant Labour figure to have recently put pen to paper.
Keir Starmer, the leader of the party, is writing a book his publishers called “fierce” on how to turn around Britain.
The Mayor has been criticised for the Metropolitan Police’s perceived ‘soft’ approach to protests by climate campaigners Extinction Rebellion.
The activists have regularly blocked roads
Last month London Tory assembly members told him to get tough with the climate campaigners.