RAPID responses
Crime mustn’t pay
[Re: We need a more radical answer to London’s crime-fighting nightmare, Wednesday]
Jamie Whyte believes attaching revenue to policing would reduce crime. He hasn’t considered the wider consequences of a purely financially motivated police force: more corruption, greater reluctance to report crimes and reduced trust from the public. The police’s important impartial public role should not be privatised.
Adam Riccoboni
Attaching monetary value to crimes in a privatised system will open up the chance of rival companies committing violent acts to undermine their competitors’ profits.
Amanda Skelton
God is good
[Re: Should the government do God?, Thursday]
Whether the Prime Minister wants to divert attention away from the government’s recent negative publicity by speaking about God, or not, it must be a good thing if David Cameron’s comments encourage City workers to take a break from studying the markets and pick up an eyewitness account like Mark’s Gospel. They can analyse for themselves the much more profitable and reliable facts of Easter. Of course, God doesn’t need the Prime Minister to do His public relations for Him. Raising Jesus from the dead and providing the solution to death itself, for all who trust Him, does that on its own.
Wes Illingsworth, St. Helen’s Bishopsgate
It’s time for Santorum to go. He’s ruining Romney and the Republicans’ chances.
Thanks to Stephen O’Brien MP for responding to my @cityamforum piece yesterday, but he doesn’t mention my main point.
I didn’t know Jeremy Paxman was running for Mayor of London until his performance on the Newsnight debate.
Are Boris Johnson’s human frailties really eclipsed by Ken Livingstone’s? Is this really the best way to conduct an election?