Join EY in celebrating UK entrepreneurship
Tune in on Thursday 10 December to celebrate the UK’s entrepreneurial community.
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ UK has been celebrating, supporting and connecting entrepreneurs since it first launched in the UK over 20 years ago. Entrepreneurs are a crucial part of the UK economy, and will be key to our economic recovery as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Never before has it been more important to celebrate the achievements of unstoppable entrepreneurs.
Read more: Investor priorities have changed but UK attractiveness remains resilient
Join our virtual awards ceremony on 10 December to hear the stories of some of the UK’s most inspirational business leaders and to find out who is awarded the coveted title of Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2020 UK winner.
Register here to join the virtual awards ceremony
Humanity is capable of great things. But to build something of long-term value takes grit, persistence and a sense of ambition that’s free of doubt or fear. It takes a special kind of leader to ignore the critics and transform a blue-sky dream into a new reality that contributes value and purpose beyond simple profits. We call these entrepreneurs ‘The Unstoppables’ – those whose unbounded ambitions deliver innovation, growth, and prosperity that transform our world.
Read more: Entrepreneurs rally behind national response to COVID-19
This year’s 24 UK finalists have been shortlisted by an independent judging panel and highlight the vibrant diversity of the UK entrepreneurial landscape, with companies from sectors including technology, consumer, leisure and healthcare, represented across the country.
“Entrepreneurs are facing one of the most challenging environments we’ve seen and we continue to be impressed by their relentless determination and resilience in an uncertain climate. The calibre of all the applicants has been truly inspiring. While some of our finalists have had to navigate a very turbulent year, some have been able to seize unexpected opportunities to accelerate growth.”
Joanna Santinon, Partner and EY Entrepreneur Of The Year leader, UK
The winner will go on to represent the UK at World Entrepreneur Of The Year in June 2021 with participants from more than 145 cities in over 50 countries.