Explainer-in-brief: Clearing up London’s air and TfL budgets
Last week, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan announced he would expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) to include the entirety of Greater London. Drivers of old, polluting vehicles will have to pay £12.50 a day to enter the city.
The first aim of this move is to turn London into a city with clean air. It comes in handy, however, because the money paid by drivers will go to TfL, at a time when the transport network is struggling to plug a funding black hole.
But TfL will have to install cameras all over London to monitor which type of cars come in. That in itself, will cost money and might offset the financial benefits of widening ULEZ.
The scheme will get going in 2023. Clean air campaigners are pleased with the development. The move won’t be as popular with every Londoner however, especially as the cost of living crisis unfolds.