Ukip voters most likely to think apocalypse will happen in their lifetime March 10, 2015 Ukip voters are more likely to believe that world as we know it will end in their lifetime than supporters of the mainstream parties, according to a new survey. Almost a third of Ukip voters told polling company YouGov that an apocalyptic disaster will strike in their lifetime. This compares to 23 per cent of [...]
Brexit is biggest risk to financial services and City of London March 10, 2015 The financial services industry is the sector most in danger if Britain pulls out of the EU, a study has suggested. A report by Open Europe examining how the UK's key export sectors would fare after British withdrawal found that while all sectors would face some disruption, a divorce from the EU poses a particular [...]
Greece denies return of Troika as new talks with creditors to begin March 9, 2015 Greece will begin talks with representatives of its creditors tomorrow as it tries to have reform proposals approved, allowing it access urgently needed cash. Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis yesterday denied that the it spelled a return of a the Troika – a term for its three main creditors that Varoufakis had said was “dead”. [...]
George Osborne to avoid post-election cuts debate by ducking out of Treasury Questions finale March 9, 2015 Labour claims George Osborne is trying to avoid debating the cuts planned in the event of a Conservative election victory, after learning that the chancellor will not be at the last Treasury questions session before the General Election. Osborne will be attending the Ecofin meeting of EU finance ministers instead. Shadow chancellor Ed Balls only [...]
Labour MP John Mann says Tories blocking questioning of ex-HSBC boss Lord Stephen Green March 9, 2015 A leading Labour MP yesterday accused the Tories of blocking moves to summon former HSBC boss Stephen – now Lord – Green to the Treasury select committee to account for the controversy surrounding its Swiss operations. Lord Green, who left HSBC to join the House of Lords as a Conservative peer and trade minister in [...]
Ed Miliband in Alex Salmond’s pocket: New Tory poster warns of Labour reliance on SNP March 9, 2015 The Conservatives ramped up their attack on Labour yesterday, with a new poster that said Labour would be dictated to by the Scottish National Party (SNIP) in a hung parliament. The poster featured Ed Miliband in Alex Salmond’s pocket, and was placed on the iconic Piccadilly Circus advertising billboards. The advert comes just days [...]
Greece accused of “wasting time” as latest proposals fail to satisfy Eurozone officials March 9, 2015 The Greek finance minister's latest outline of how he intends to secure funds from international creditors has failed to impress Eurozone officials. On Friday, Yanis Varoufakis sent a letter to ministers explaining seven planned measures, but Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem has since described the proposals as “far from complete”. He said that given the way [...]
David Cameron’s free schools General Election pledge: Is there one in your area – and what kind is it? March 9, 2015 David Cameron today announced his government will build another 500 free schools if they win the next election – a policy Labour is staunchly opposed to. The schools, which are free from local authority control, are variously said to boost school places or be a waste of money that risk segregating children from the realities [...]
Ukip spoof Tory attack ad: Nigel Farage has some fun at Cameron’s expense March 9, 2015 The Tory party has been consistently attacking Ed Miliband over whether Labour will enter into a deal with the SNP if the General Election fails to produce a clear result. There was no let-up in the attack today as the Tories unveiled a new poster produced by advertising agency M&C Saatchi showing Ed Miliband in [...]
General Election 2015: David Cameron to open 500 extra free schools if Conservatives win March 9, 2015 The Conservatives are set to double down on free schools, opening a further 500 if they win the General Election. In a speech today, David Cameron said that the government plans to create 270,000 new school places, on top of the final wave of 49 free schools to be opened during the final throws of [...]