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Vodafone AGM not so tweet for Gerard Kleisterlee as UK Uncut hijacks hashtag
Anticipation of vast protests over tax arrangements outside Vodafone’s AGM in Paddington yesterday proved wrong, as no placards were brandished outside the Hilton, allowing shareholders and chairman Gerard Kleisterlee to enter un-heckled. But that was possibly because the heckling took place elsewhere – on Twitter.
UK Uncut, the anti-austerity group, took over #VodfoneAGM and managed to urge more than 2,000 tweeters to use the hashtag to voice concerns about the firm’s tax arrangements.
One lonely voice of support in the twittersphere, however, came from an unwitting Lord Alan Sugar in Spain, who tweeted about his delight to have a fully working Vodafone WiFi hub. “So s.d you Movistar telefonica. call me when you get fibre,” he ranted.
Meanwhile, back at the Hilton in Paddington, Vodafone was under pressure about bad signal in the City.
“When we go around the City and we meet investors, they say the reception is poor,” admitted Kleisterlee.
He should get on the blower to the former SurAlan if he needs a confidence boost.