The Independent film 2023 review: All-star cast fail to ignite this political thriller
Political movies used to be a specialist subject, but whatever side of the aisle you sit it’s safe to say everyone is better versed in his world than they were a few years ago.
Sky’s new original movie, The Independent, seeks to look into our polarised world. Jodie Smith-Turner plays Eli, an ambitious young reporter who investigates the upcoming US election, and the favourites: a suspicious Republican candidate (Ann Dowd) and a surprise Independent in former Olympian Nick Sterling (John Cena). Teaming up with her journalism idol (Bryan Cox), she uncovers an embezzlement conspiracy that, if proven, could turn the election on its head.
Opening with a spirited speech from the wrestler-turned-actor, the film confidently settles into a conveyor belt of political movie tropes: the embattled news editor (Stephen Lang) addressing the troops; Cox’s grizzled columnist ranting about social media; and Turner-Smith’s young recruit desperate to make a difference.
It’s all incredibly familiar, and not helped by a script full of painful dialogue (“The wave is coming with this guy, we may as well paddle out to the break”). The message it delivers is broadly true: that it’s hard to do good in a system where so many profit from division. However, it’s unlikely anyone needs a two hour film to remind them of that.
The cliches are made easier to swallow by an excellent cast who do their best. Smith-Turner conveys the passion and intelligence of someone fighting to be heard, while Cox softens his Succession persona as her grouchy mentor. Lang, looking very different from his recent Avatar adventures, does a good (if unremarkable) job as the seen-it-all superior, while Cena and Dowd are convincing as the politicians who are more than what they seem.
The Independent feels like being stuck in a restaurant with someone who has read too many tweets and not enough columns. Content with platitudes where insight was needed, Rice wastes a terrific cast who are worthy of something much more thoughtful.