SwissBorg TALKS to BEQUANT- A Day in the Life of Alex Fazel

Alex Fazel is Chief Partnership Officer at SwissBorg- a trusted and accessible wealth management ecosystem powered by blockchain technology. Our ‘Day in the Life’ series continues today with an interview with Alex Fazel to discuss SwissBorg, Digital Assets and how robot advisory is the future of wealth investment.
What is usually the first thought that goes through your mind each morning?
I try to live everyday like it is my last and always ask myself what is the single most important action I can take to get closer to my dream.
How much have things changed for Swissborg and you personally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Appreciate little things in life and reflect on what truly matters. Sometimes the realization of being mortal can drive us back to one’s search for meaning.
We know how busy you are, but what other duties take up the bulk of your workday? And which one do you think is most important?
The most important to me is, honest, sincere and genuine relations and partnerships. Very often in life, it is not just what we know but who we know that matters most.
What excites you most about cryptocurrencies and digital assets?
We are fortunate enough to be alive at the beginning of a meaningful, trustless and inclusive era in finance. It’s the 1st time in history, where an average person like myself, can outperform the most reputable hedge funds in the world by finding asymmetrical return assets in the crypto space.
You’ve talked in the past about how digital assets are the future of society. What activity are you conducting to support this ?
We are bridging traditional finance with the crypto economy by taking the best of DeFi with 1) decentralized fundraising through an ICO and zero shares sold to the privileged and 2) Decentralized governance with voting on the blockchain (over 8000 participants). Elements of DeFi while offering institutional grade technology with real-time best execution trading on 5 exchanges through a simple app and account.
We often hear you talk about Swissborg being an opportunity for the future of wealth management. Why do you believe this?
As of today, we can find exchanges, trading platforms, Derivatives platforms but very few actually build robo advisory that help individuals trade smarter thanks to machine learning and wealth management products with community-centric values and principles-
In recent months, institutional adoption has been discussed as one of most important factors for long term growth of digital assets. Where do you think the progress is being made to ensure this happens?
Institutional adoption will be the final factor that pushes crypto assets to an entire new economy. This is where Bitcoin goes from a 200 billion dollar MC asset to 2 trillion dollars and essentially does a 10X. But more importantly, once the institutional players start realizing their valuation models and tools are becoming obsolete, they will start seeing the crypto asset class as an entire new economy.
What does the future hold for Swissborg and yourself?
We dream to become the 1st tech company in history to have never sold a single share and become profitable entirely through the value creation of tokenomics. This achievement could possibly change the course of financial history and shall be remembered forever.