Polanski’s superbly tense social hell
Cert: 15
When Roman Polanski directs a discussion between two tense couples about a playground dispute, you know it’s not going to turn out well. Bleak and biting, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly and Christopher Waltz are unable to stop the discussion escalating to intense proportions. As the façade of civility begins to slide, the entire cast delivers pitch perfect performances- including Polanski himself, cameoing as a neighbour. Poking his head through the door at the frenzied behaviour, the respectable classes are truly cut down to size.
Nervously hysterical, Winslet struggles to keep a lid on it from the off, her husband (Reilly) incredibly uncomfortable as she spars with the equally fragile Foster. However, it’s Waltz who comes closest to winning any sort of sympathy, continuously on his ill-fated Blackberry and given all the wittiest one liners. Carnage is a showcase of top class performances, but it’s admittedly difficult to get to the heart of something with absolutely no heart. In fact, this is the film equivalent of a short, sharp slap around the face.