Olympic Media Buzz LONDON 2012 PARTNERS
IN ASSOCIATION with Repskan.com, the media monitoring and analytics platform, City A.M. is measuring the relative Olympic media buzz around the partners for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, week by week. The leaderboard, right, reflects their ranking over the past week, in this case from Wednesday 1 February to Wednesday 8 February.
This week’s up-lift in online mentions has been focused on the business side of Adidas’s Olympic sponsorship. The BOA (British Olympics Association) has agreed Team GB will wear Adidas-sponsored outfits on the medals podium. But athletes can have other sponsors for the footwear in which they compete, and there is a suggestion that they will breach such sponsorship deals if they wear Adidas shoes to accept their medals.
This has led to wild claims of barefooted athletes on the podium, but it seems unlikely. A BOA official said the clause had been in place at the last two summer Olympic Games.