London mayoral election 2016: Sadiq Khan did a live web chat with Mumsnet and we found out what his favourite biscuit is
Labour hopeful Sadiq Khan may be the bookies' favourite to win the mayoral election, but his campaign shows no signs of slowing.
The MP for Tooting spent Monday lunchtime at Mumsnet HQ in Highgate, while London's mothers flocked straight to their computers to quiz the candidate on everything from housing to his biscuit preferences.
Mums across the capital submitted some pretty chewy questions ahead of the live chat:
- "How would Brexit affect your plans?"
- "Affordable housing in London' – isn't that just a false promise?"
- "Why are you trying to win the women's vote here on Mumsnet when you are routinely aligned with organisations and speak at events where women are segregated?"
- "What will you do to enable my children to cycle to school on their own bicycles safely?"
But with any political web chat on Mumsnet, talked turned to biscuits fairly quickly.
(Source: Mumsnet)
Once things kicked off, mothers seemed far more concerned with the freebies Khan was getting from the mothering web forum. Did he bite off more than he could chew?
Taking one look at Sadiq Khan's selection of buscuits, one irate parent posted: "Those are chocolate digestives. Very extravagant. I'd have thought you more of a rich tea man, possibly garibaldis on special occasions."
In fact, biscuits became the hot topic of the day. Mumsnet user TresDesolee said: "Guys guys we haven't asked about biscuits. Sadiq what is your favourite biscuit please thank you".
One parent quickly lost faith in the whole process and thought the treats were a political stunt. Thecatfromjapan said: "I think those biscuits are prominently positioned to forestall an influx of biscuit jokes."
There were also some serious points made. One concerned parent asked Khan: "I need to choose between Ursuline High School and Graveney School for my daughter. She has an offer in both places. Any advice? I need to decide pretty soon."
Khan responded: "I am a bit biased here Julie. My wife attended Graveney School as do my two daughters now." Smooth.
But what about the burning question: Khan's favourite biscuit.
"I am pleased you asked this as I thought this might come up…", said the Tooting MP, before responding to the question with this picture:
Khan isn't the only candidate trying to appeal for the yummy mummy vote. Tory hopeful Zac Goldsmith is also joining forces with Mumsnet this week, with his own live chat on Tuesday morning.
Oh, crumbs (sorry).