Landlords being pushed to innovate by ‘Instagrammable’ build-to-rent schemes with furnishing and socialising space

Landlords are being pushed in to more innovation and providing better furnished homes because of modern renters.
Younger people are looking for professionally managed properties to live in, as part of a build-to-rent (BTR) schemes, which are created specifically for the purpose of renting.
The majority of people renting are still doing so through landlords (82 per cent), but are increasingly looking for in-built kitchens and furnishing.
Almost 70 per cent want outdoor space, according to research published by Hatch interiors, with figures outlining that 40 per cent of the 1,000 people surveyed want to live in build-to-rent facilities.
This is driven by a desire for wellness facilities like a gym and more than a third looking for socialising space.
Jodie Wardell, Head of BTR at Hatch Interiors, said landlords can only compete with the changing market by “making rental properties as welcoming and inviting and importantly, Instagrammable as possible.”
She warned that despite 82.6% renting from a landlord, many “may be looking to jump ship if something better comes along.
“Consumers expect more, renters expect more. Build-to-rent has raised the bar and landlords need to keep up if they want to compete.”