Government to publish renters reform bill to tackle ‘no-fault’ evictions and rent hikes

The government is readying to publish its Renters Reform Bill white paper today, in a bid to tackle ‘no-fault’ evictions, rent hikes and make it easier for tenants to keep pets.
The Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities has described the Bill as “the biggest shake-up of the private rented sector in 30 years.”
Onlookers are eagerly awaiting the report. With the ban on ‘no-fault’ evictions having been delayed for three years.
With inflation hitting a 40-year high of nine per cent, the paper comes amid a cost of living crisis which is quickly eroding households finances.
Against this backdrop, curbing unjustified rent increases, fixed-term tenancies which make it more difficult to move and making it illegal for landlords to blanket ban those who receive benefits is “welcome and timely”, according to Richard Donnell, executive director of research at property site Zoopla.
“These reforms mark another milestone in the journey to create a suitable equilibrium between renters and private landlords who provide the majority of homes for rent.”
“However, it’s important to note that the private rented sector is under growing strain due to lower levels of new investment by private landlords, largely a result of tax changes and more regulation… Ensuring decent homes is paramount but so is the investment into this important sector of the housing market.”