Euro crisis enters new phase
UK – David Cameron
10-year borrowing costs fell below two per cent as risk-averse investors fled Eurozone chaos again
Spain – Mariano Rajoy
The government confirmed Bankia will be bailed out, sending shares in the bank tumbling
France – Francois Hollande
Allies of new President Francois Hollande suggested an audit of public finances could give him room to tone down his big spending rhetoric, potentially calming bond markets and easing the transition of power
Germany – Angela Merkel
Industrial output jumped 2.8 per cent in March as the resilient economy defied the continent’s woes
Greece – Alexis Tsipras
Stocks plunged 3.67 per cent to a 20-year low, following Monday’s 67 per cent tumble as new MPs – including Syriza leader Tsipras – failed again to form a government