Covid-19, a year on: A breakdown of trust between the police and the public

Dear Editor
Sascha O’Sullivan’s article (Covid-19, a year on: A breakdown of trust between the police and the public) shows exactly why police forces can only operate effectively if they have public support.
Respect for equality, diversity and human rights are all essential to maintaining trust in our officers.
That’s why we have agreed plans to work with the City of London Police to ensure it is representative of the community it serves.
We’ll challenge the force to recruit at least 40% BAME officers, address gender imbalances and have representation of all protected characteristics.
And we’ll ensure that the recruitment process for the next City of London Police Commissioner will apply the Equality Act 2010 when shortlisting candidates, to encourage applicants with protected characteristics who are underrepresented to apply.
James Thomson
Chair of the City of London Corporation’s Police Authority Board
REF: Covid-19, a year on: A breakdown of trust between the police and the public, [Sascha O’Sullivan, 28 March]