Conservative support jumps after Theresa May becomes Prime Minister as Labour’s backing falters
Support for the Conservatives has jumped, according to the first poll since Theresa May became Prime Minister.
The Tories have opened up an 11 point lead on Labour under the poll carried out over the first full weekend since May announced her cabinet.
The poll by YouGov shows a distinct jump in support compared to voting intention in April, where Labour had a three point lead.
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If there was a general election tomorrow, some 40 per cent of voters would back the Conservatives, up from 30 per cent in April, while just 29 per cent would back Labour, down from 33 per cent in April.
(Source: YouGov)
Labour's fortunes stand in stark contrast to the Conservatives, who have largely rallied around their new leader.
Instead, Labour finds itself at the beginning of a leadership battle between incumbent leader Jeremy Corbyn and challenger Owen Smith. Angela Eagle dropped out of the race to provide a unity candidate to challenge Corbym.
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Meanwhile, Ukip's support has slumped from 20 per cent in April to 12 per cent now, while the Liberal Democrats have risen to nine per cent from six per cent in the same period.
YouGov suggest the boost for the Conservatives could be the first sign of a "new leader bounce", where parties under new leadership tend to poll relatively higher in the weeks and months following the appointment of a new leader.
However, the polling experts point out: "It could be part of a longer term trend towards the Conservatives as swing voters are put off Labour by the party's constant infighting. Currently 90 per cent of 2015 Conservative voters plan to vote for them again, compared to 76 per cent of 2015 Labour voters."