Commons snapshot: Boris’ worst enemies were in plain sight

As Boris Johnson faced down a mass rebellion on his backbenches last night, there was also a sting from within his own Cabinet.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid drew a line in the sand, saying he would “never” support vaccine passports which do not also have an option for a negative lateral flow test.
For those sitting on the fence before yesterday’s vote, it may have been enough to keep them onside, but it also backed the PM into a corner.
As many X Tory MPs voted against the Government on Covid passes. The slightly diminished number from what was expected was led by chief Covid troublemaker Steve Baker. While there has been a steady drumbeat of opposition to Covid restrictions, there has never been such a sizeable open defiance.
Baker, known for his Brext campaign, is now also behind a push to “restore Conservative values”. Boris should heed his track record of picking painful thorns.