Zurich axes Z symbol after letter is adopted by pro-war groups
Insurance giant Zurich has scrapped the use of its ‘Z’ logo from social media after the letter became appropriated as a symbol for support of war in Ukraine.
The company said it was removing the logo over fears it would be misinterpreted when taken out of context.
“We are temporarily removing the use of the letter ‘Z’ from social channels where it appears in isolation and could be misinterpreted,” the company told Reuters in a statement.
“We’re monitoring the situation closely and will take further actions if and when required.”
The letter was used to mark Russian military vehicles being sent to join the war effort, and it has since been adopted as a pro-war symbol by Putin’s supported.
Zurich Insurance said earlier this month that it was no longer taking on new domestic customers in Russia and will not renew existing local business.
The flag has cropped up at rallies in support of the invasion and pro-Kremlin groups have been using it to signal their support of the war.
A Russian cancer charity arranegd for children to stand in a ‘Z’ formation to show Kremlin support, while Russian athlete Ivan Kuliak sparked outrage by wearing the letter ‘Z’ on his kit while receiving his medal next to a Ukrainian athlete.
Amazon was forced to step in earlier this month when it was discovered that some users were selling clothing and other merchandise emblazoned with the ‘Z’ symbol.