The clinic will cater for all your needs
BEDSPACE may be tight at Davos, but every inch of space is utilised. While “The Clinic” may sound like a luxury spa, it’s actually an asthma hospital – offering spare beds to attendees. If you fancy your own oxygen supply, this is the place.
■ Following David Cameron’s early morning oration, the corporate world was aflutter yesterday with European chatter. Eurotunnel’s French boss Jacques Gounon did his best to build bridges during a conference call by declaring: “I would be pleased to live in London and my wife would be happy to live in London.” Flybe’s Jim French, by comparison, admitted: “I can just about find enough brain power to work in the airline industry; I don’t have enough to talk about politics.”
■ Some news to cheer Lord Mayor of London and celebrated pianist Roger Gifford – a report from the City of London corporation has shown that arts and culture across the Square Mile gave £291m of “gross value added” to the capital in 2011-12, as well as providing more than 7,000 jobs. But not to be outdone by its more central neighbour, Canary Wharf also chose yesterday to put out its events programme for the next few months, including a Valentine’s Tea Dance and the 10th annual squash classic.