Seven ways to be a great leader in 2016
Next year is full of fantastic opportunities; and leadership is the vital component to help you make the most of them.
Want to be a better leader? Whether you are a business owner, leader in the corporate world, community leader or family leader, these tips apply to you.
Here are my seven leadership truths.
1. Be authentic
Become more self-aware and have a story to tell, create an authentic leadership brand, build on your strengths, and be happy being vulnerable. Be yourself and share your leadership philosophy, build trust, be positive, be healthy and be happy.
2. Inspire action
Purpose should be at the heart of everything you do: go make a difference, have courage, go out on a limb, be bold, tell stories and give examples that ensure meaning and inspire action. Create a sense of real value.
3. Create high performance teams
Be comfortable with collaboration, empowerment, autonomy and know how to build teams quickly.
4. Unleash innovation
Create a culture where everyone comes up with great ideas to improve performance and add value. Innovate in every aspect of your business. Be a relentless discoverer. Exploit technology and platforms.
5. Manage ambiguity and kill risk
Be comfortable with paradoxes, make the complex simple, understand the need for evolving plans, and be agile. Be mentally tough and resilient to deal with a world in perpetual crisis. Anticipate and kill risk quickly. Stay in touch with the real world.
6. Educate
Help people and organisations learn, inspire curiosity, only tell when direction is absolutely needed, ensure learning is applied, lead with questions, coach, develop and nurture capability.
7. Deliver with pace
Translate strategy into meaning and inspire action, join the dots, be comfortable speeding up by slowing down, deliver through people and teams, execute at pace.