Banking guidance
[Re: Our decisive central bank has been neutered by regulatory confusion, yesterday]
I agree with Lord Flight and, as a former financial regulator, recognise the limitations of all regulation. Too much is unrealistically expected. It’s an impossible task to protect fools from their own folly. In my view, the FSA has too wide a remit and it would be better to re-establish specialised regulators for specific sectors. And we should bring back the Bank of England’s central role. In my early days in the City, it could exercise guidance to institutions and maintain confidence. Let the Governor exercise his own judgement in helping maintain and regulate the City in the national interest.
Godfrey Jillings
Email woes
[Re: Workers should not be spending 650 hours a year on email, yesterday]
l used to be unfortunate enough to work for a large corporation, and the number of emails was awful. Spam messages from marketing, copying everyone in on everything even when they weren’t involved, emails to cover your backs, emails because people couldn’t remember what you’ve just told them, and an email again to clarify. Now I work for a small firm and we actually talk to one another. There’s no confusion, no need to clarify, no misunderstandings, and it’s much quicker than penning long messages. You actually get to know your work colleagues as an added bonus.
Philip Johnston
More tweets are being sent during the London Olympics daily than during the entirety of Beijing 2008.
I’m still revelling in Monday’s first-time-for-a-century medal-winning performance by our gymnasts. Well done lads!
I took a taxi home. It took seven minutes, through eerily quiet streets. The cabbie says business is terrible. West London is empty.
I hope the Olympics will encourage people to become healthier. My only fear is there’s as much chance as Osborne reviving GDP.