Olympic reactions
[Re: Olympics are a great success, but won’t solve economic crisis, yesterday]
The Games so far have been a triumph. Pre-event grumbling was just a classic example of a British tendency to play down expectations. As you write, however, we will have to wake up. The much-vaunted legacy must materialise, even if solely in the regeneration of a neglected slice of East London. But it must also be handled carefully. Taxpayers have funded wonderful new infrastructure. Now private investors need to be allowed to exploit it fully.
Josh Stevens
You’re right about the Union Jack. It’s just a shame our flag’s rehabilitation didn’t happen five years ago. The Olympic
organisers could have replaced the awful London 2012 logo with something more appropriate.
Irene Leonard
I know criticising the Games is now frowned upon, but I think we should think twice about covering up any blunders. All the negative coverage about empty seats at events led Locog to quickly put 3,000 back on sale. A good conclusion to a bad story.
Ian Less
Boris has really come into his own. What a negative, dull impression London 2012 would have made if we had Ken Livingstone as our representative to the world.
Terry Ritchie
The facilities at London 2012 are fantastic. Every event I’ve been to watch has been absolutely top notch.
There are no British flags available at the Olympic Park megastore. They’re all out of stock.
I don’t understand why people aren’t using their Olympic tickets. Watching should be a privilege, whatever sport it is.
Good of David Cameron to visit the Daley-Waterfield diving. I’d forgive him for avoiding any event with a double-dip resonance.