RAPID responses
Hope against hope
[Re: A tax on heritage, Tuesday]
I own a Grade II listed house that we wanted to refurbish. We’ve spent a large amount on design proposals and planning permission and we may have to shelve our project and sell up as we can’t afford the extra in tax. We’re not building a swimming pool, we’re restoring an old building to its former glory to make it fit for modern living.
Deborah Westlake
[Re: Another self-inflicted wound, yesterday]
The Left is trying to destroy Rupert Murdoch’s business empire and the government at the same time. Frankly, the former would be a far greater loss to the economy and to democracy than the latter.
John Serjeant
Citizen choice
[Re: State spending leads to growth in Grossly meaningless Domestic Product, yesterday]
Jamie Whyte is completely right to question the value government attributes to its services. As Whyte explains, cost does not equal worth, and education is the perfect area to understand this. We need to radically change the relationship between citizen and state. If parents are given vouchers, or money, and then required to choose the school they want their children to attend, they will seek the maximum value for their money invested. They won’t want to just see the money spent – they will require a direct connection between the expense and the education of their child.
Frank Oliver
Despite journalistic buzz re Murdochs in the dock, Mick Hume in City A.M. reminds us that Leveson is undermining the free press.
Good piece by Lord Flight on EIS loss relief. Why disincentivise potential angel investors so soon after asking them to stump up?
We may be in a technical recession, but lots of businesses I work with are getting on and doing well. Let’s not talk ourselves down.
Sarkozy wants three debates with Hollande. Siobhan Benita insists she be included too.