Q and A: EU talk tough with Gazprom and Google
Q This EU Commission anti-trust investigation into Gazprom has been going since September 2012, why is it only acting on it now?
A Sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, and a new competition commissioner, have given the issue new political impetus.
Q What is Gazprom accused of doing?
A The EU investigation centres around the allegation that Gazprom differentiates its prices around Europe.
Q How big a deal is Gazprom anyway? Why does it matter?
A It has annual sales of $100bn (£67bn), and supplies nearly a third of the EU’s natural gas.
Q Is there a link between this and the anti-trust action the EU is also taking against Google?
A The EU insist that both are legal, and not political actions. The EU would like its actions to be seen in this context.