Prince Harry’s role at $5bn life coaching firm at centre of employee anger over ‘sneaky pay cut’

Employees at a life coaching and mental health firm have questioned the role of Prince Harry as its “chief impact officer”.
Staff at $5bn Silicon Valley company BetterUp have complained about the Duke of Sussex’s high-profile role, as it implements a payment restructure which staff have claimed amounts to a “sneaky pay cut.”
It did not say whether the Duke of Sussex is in a paid role, but sits as an “officer of the corporation”.
The Daily Beast reported that staff are considering a mutiny against the new structure, which would evaluate coaches in parts on how ‘life changing’ their advice is.
One coach complained the firm had “hired and hired and hired” high-profile VPs in recent years, including Prince Harry.
“They have so many VPs. Now, I don’t even know what these VPs do.”
Another said: “For a company whose mission is to help empower people throughout the world – They’re not walking the walk.”