The princes in the tower: History is not a whodunnit Opinion A new documentary claiming to have ‘solved’ the mystery of the princes in the tower misses the point entirely. History is a record of what happened, not a morality play, says Eliot Wilson Last night Channel 5 broadcast the enticingly titled Princes in the Tower: A damning discovery. It combined the promise of historical revelation [...]
David Oyelowo in Coriolanus review: Too much muscle, too much music Life&Style Muscles do not a character make, though many men forget this. Sadly David Oyelowo's Coriolanus at the National Theatre is one of them
The Taming of the Shrew: Weirdness doesn’t solve the problem of misogyny london theatre Any director bold enough to tackle Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew is faced with a pretty big problem. The plot – and title – depicts a headstrong woman who is “tamed” by a man into submissiveness. Whatever the Bard’s intention, his script plays on the dichotomy between two sisters – one perfectly docile, the [...]
The Debate: Is Shakespeare elitist? April 24, 2024 To celebrate the Bard's birthday, our opinion desk and lifestyle desk go head to head to battle out Shakespeare's enduring legacy.