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Nine rather disturbing political portraits
Yesterday, a former Lib Dem spad tweeted a photograph of himself holding a rather interesting painting of Vince Cable.
It instantly sparked some debate about whether Cable was readying himself for a Lib Dem take-over with propaganda-style artworks, (he was in China last week after all).
As we later found out though, the propaganda-meets-pop art portrait was a leaving gift for said spad, Giles Wilkes, rather than something the Business Secretary had commissioned for the halls of parliament.
@t0nyyates all i can say is these giant Mao-esque pictures were made for a reason pic.twitter.com/1ZaFYq9r6d
— Giles Wilkes (@Gilesyb) June 2, 2014
Peculiar political portraits are no rare thing – artists paint incredibly odd likenesses of the world’s leaders all the time. Much to our amusement.
Here are just a few of our favourites:
1. Russian police tried to get rid of this portrait of Putin and his prime minister Dmitry Medvedev in ladies undies. It didn't work.
2. Illustrator Daniel Olivier-Argyle's impression of Boris Johnson suspended from a zip wire is gold.
3. How about this lovely graffiti depicting Putin as a Jedi.
4. Who can forget artist Kaya Mar's many depictions of George Osborne.
5. Here's another one for good measure…
6. This is Barack Obama fashioned out of buttons and other flotsam – created by Exeter-based artist Jane Perkins. Not disturbing really, just cool.
7. You'll love it or hate it – here's David Cameron's portrait made from toast and marmite by artist Dermot Flynn.
8. A third entry for Putin here but we can't help it, he's funny. That's Van Gough on the left. We're unsure why Putin is blue.
9. And last but not least, our favourite – Kim Jong-il in a ballgown by artist Michael Caines