Letters: Online safety is back, back again
[Re: Online safety rules for tech firms must encourage – not restrict – future growth, August 31]
The Online Safety Bill, a landmark piece of legislation which has been five years in the making, has stirred up a lot of debate in recent months and is being watched closely by regulators all over the world.
After its introduction back in May 2021, many recognised that the UK was leading the charge on protecting people online. It is understandable that a new prime minister will want to revisit such ground-breaking legislation as it was becoming too wide ranging and Liz Truss’ desire to protect freedom of speech is completely understandable.
However, the most important ambition of the proposed bill is to enable people to protect themselves from abuse, identity theft and fraud when online and the technology to do this is available now.
The continued support of the Online Safety Bill is vital, so it can lead the way in holding social media firms to account, protect people from abuse, fraud and violence online.
Martin Wilson, Chief Executive of OneID