Insurance sector launches hiring spree amid surge in flooding and Covid linked claims

Vacancies for jobs in the insurance sector hit record highs at the start of 2022 on the back of a surge in claims linked to flooding and Covid-19.
The UK’s biggest insurance companies posted more job ads in January than in any other month since the start of 2019, a new report from Vacancysoft shows.
The record number of vacancies came as the UK’s major insurers sought to prepare themselves for a barrage of claims on the back of a surge in floods and the impacts of Covid-19.
Although the number of job openings dipped in the February, the number of insurance jobs posted in the second month of 2022 was higher than in any other month since January 2019.
The industry posted almost 400 job adverts in January compared to around 350 in February, the recruitment analyst’s figures show.
London was the main beneficiary of the hiring boom, with almost a quarter (24.6 per cent) of the ads being for London based jobs.
By contrast, fewer insurance job vacancies were posted in the North East of England than in any other part of the UK.