‘Houseplant hotel suites’ showcase greenery that can make us feel calm, loved-up or more productive

The UK’s first ‘houseplant hotel rooms’ are opening in East London this weekend.
The jungle-like suites at the Leman Locke in Aldgate were created by three green-fingered experts as part of a project by The Joy of Plants, a Dutch organisation which promotes their wellbeing properties.
‘Biophilic designer’ Oliver Heath’s room is aimed at business travellers, and is filled with Boston ferns, peace lilies and snake plants – all of which are said to boost productivity.

houseplant hotel
A cascading botanical canopy above the bed is the centrepiece of the room designed by Nik Southern, founder of florist Grace & Thorn, and is supposed to encourage feelings of romance.
The final room is an oasis of calm created by This Morning plant expert Michael Perry. It features bromeliads and monsteras, as well as a ‘clean sleep zone’ with air-purifying plants to see guests off to the land of nod.

So what plants should you choose for your home?
Lavender Heath says the scent of lavender flowers “has been shown to have a positive impact in lowering heart rate, combatting insomnia and improving the quality of our sleep”.
Spider plants These hardy perennials can help remove toxins from the air, according to Heath.
Strings of hearts and devil’s ivy: To create a canopy in your own home, Southern suggests attaching an old-fashioned pulley clothes airer to the ceiling and adorning it with these hanging plants.
Boston ferns These plants bring lots of natural movement to your home, which Heath says can “help us relax and restore focus.” Another option that works equally well is the dwarf mountain palm.
Banana trees or rubber trees Southern says these tall plants can act as a room divider, helping to “create a cosy, intimate area in an open-plan room” – for example around the sofa.
Email thejoyofplants@lockeliving.com to book your stay