Hillsborough victims’ families make moves for new inquests
THE families of those killed in the Hillsborough disaster have announced that they are to seek new inquests into the episode
Those related to the 96 who died have at Anfield formally met legal representatives for the first time since an independent report was published with Trevor Hicks of the Hillsborough Families Support Group saying criminal charges could follow.
“This goes beyond Hillsborough,” said Hicks. “What happened on Wednesday was a disgrace to the nation, not just the families. This goes across society.
“The findings of the Hillsborough Independent Panel have finally vindicated the families in their 23 year struggle to establish the truth.
“However, after truth must come justice. We have spoken to our lawyers and taken initial advice.
“We will be petitioning the government, the attorney general, the Director of Public Prosecutions on all these various matters.
“We believe if wrongdoing, civil or criminal, has happened people should be held accountable.”