Generation Rent: This campaign group wants to convert the Houses of Parliament into flats and move MPs to Hull
MPs like to go on about the wonders of austerity, but do they really mean it? A campaign group has challenged the nation's lawmakers to put their money where their mouths are – by selling up the Houses of Parliament.
According to Generation Rent, which campaigns for better rental homes, the taxpayer would save nearly £120m over a five-year parliament if it converted the Palace of Westminster into flats and moved – to Hull.
The group argued that while the average one-bed flat in London costs £1,148, the average home in Hull (which has the cheapest rent in England) is £325 per month.
Based on current numbers, 400 MPs would need to put rent on expenses. Assuming that they pay the median rent for a one-bed… that will cost the taxpayer a mere £1.56m – less than a third of the current rent bill.
(Source: Generation Rent)
(Source: Generation Rent)