Former employee: Pfizer is like an ‘abusive, rich husband’ with frequent virtue signalling

A former product inspector at pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has said the company is like an ‘abusive, rich husband’, offering great benefits but “they do not treat you the best.”
Melissa Strickler told Jim Hale in an interview with LifeSite that she had enjoyed her job as a product inspector but that since the pandemic began many employees had “vaccine regrets” after getting the shots.
“A lot of people refused to get it. In fact, over half of the employees are willing to walk out over this and Pfizer knows that,” Stickler claimed.
She went on to compare the drug giant to an “abusive, rich husband,” saying the company offers excellent benefits and pay, “but they don’t exactly treat you the best in the sense that they don’t seem to value all their employees equally.”
Strickler described frequent “virtue signalling” emails sent to employees, including one proclaiming Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla “Father of the Year.”
Strickler (pictured above) said she had often wanted to quit after Covid vaccine manufacturing began at the McPherson plant in the U.S., but felt compelled to hang on, until she discovered a database of emails that she reportedly shared with Project Veritas.
After interview aired, Strickler reportedly received a phone call from an employee at Pfizer telling her not to come to work again and a letter from the company confirmed that she was fired.