City of London School raises £64k for Great Ormond Street
GREAT Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity was yesterday the worthy recipient of a £64,000 cheque from the City of London School.
While the pupils from the school are no strangers to fundraising, this is the largest amount they have ever raised for any charity. And it wasn’t won easily.
One challenge was a staggering 48-hour row – an astounding feat which raised a worthy £13,000 on its own.
As the school, whose classrooms overlook St Paul’s Cathedral, says on its website: “City of London School takes charitable giving seriously.” The Capitalist wouldn’t disagree.
The cheque will help Great Ormond Street to rebuild and refurbish its vital equipment as well as fund research into pioneering new treatments.
IT’S good to know that – despite the endless banking inquiries, awkward questions about key interest rates and attempts to redraw the framework of finance – regulators still have time to enjoy the good life. On Tuesday fund managers and FSA staff enjoyed champagne jelly for lunch during an all-day conference at upmarket City venue The Brewery on Chiswell Street. At £522 per person, the FSA Asset Management Conference didn’t come cheap but guests were treated to speeches from the likes of chief regulator Martin Wheatley, although it is not known whether he sampled the boozy pudding. One attendee, who may wish for a part refund, described the dish as “not as good as the cassoulet, but much better than the coffee, which was a total let down”. The FSA is in the process of transitioning to a twin peaks model – which will hopefully involve less horror than the David Lynch television series of the same name – so staff could probably do with some relaxation time as the changes take place.