City and sporting stars tee off for 16th annual Tullow golf day
TO THE green fairways of Sunningdale golf club in Berkshire yesterday, for the 16th annual Tullow Oil golf day, which raises money for charity Clic Sargent.
City and celebrity players alike turned out in their plus fours for the game, including rugby player Mike Tindall, Olympic rowers Sir Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent, Tullow founder Aidan Heavey and Merrill Lynch first vice president Rowen Pestana.
Pestana, who was playing with England rugby player Nick Easter, told The Capitalist that he had previously tee’d off with ex-footballer Kenny Dalglish: “He’s a good golfer but we couldn’t understand him. We didn’t have that problem with Nick – and he almost hit the ball out of the county.”
“If Stuart Lancaster won’t pick him then I can recommend him to Paul McGinley” joked Pestana.