Best time in 50 years to apply for work or switch jobs as vacancies hit record levels
Jobseekers are being told it is the best time in 50 years to apply for work, with consistent record levels of vacancies being advertised.
Recruitment firm Reed said today was known as Massive Monday in the trade because of the high numbers of people looking for jobs, or wanting to switch careers.
Chairman James Reed said there is usually a huge increase in job applications on the first working Monday of the year.
He said the trend of increasing numbers of vacancies seen in 2021 was expected to continue this year, adding: “This trend appears to show no signs of slowing despite the emergence of the Omicron variant.
“In December we saw a 38% year-on-year increase in jobs posted on, with over 139,000 roles added to the site.
“These roles are across a range of sectors, with the highest monthly increases coming in the retail, health and medicine, and social care sectors.
“Our data indicates that it’s currently the best time in 50 years to apply for a job, with consistent record levels of job roles available in the market.
“This means that employers no longer hold most of the cards when it comes to hiring and jobseekers can call the shots in terms of wage, flexibility and type of role.”