Alex Hope goes to ground after City A.M. reveals his FSA arrest
ALEX Hope, the 23-year-old foreign exchange trader who was arrested on Tuesday by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), has gone to ground after City A.M. broke the news of his arrest.
Hope first came to prominence after spending £125,000 on a single bottle of champagne as part of a £200,000 bar bill in a Liverpool nightclub.
But he lost his appetite for publicity after our revelations yesterday were covered worldwide.
Hope deleted his Twitter account on Tuesday night and his website became unavailable from Wednesday afternoon.
His public relations firm, which in the past has repeatedly offered this newspaper interviews with Hope, could not be contacted yesterday.
Despite confirming to City A.M. on Tuesday night that Hope had been arrested and that he denied the charges, yesterday the same firm was telling other outlets that it could not comment.
But sources confirm Hope was arrested on suspicion of being involved in an unauthorised foreign exchange trading scheme. Nobody has been charged.