What is City Talk?
City Talk is a platform that allows partners to curate a central hub of their content published directly within CityAM.com using the same content management system and tools as our editorial team. Due to the content being served through our editorial CMS, all City Talk content is searchable.
Content marketing and native advertising offer brands the ability to produce and distribute their own, audience-relevant content, free from editorial restrictions. Thereby, enabling your marketing/communications teams to position your brand as an authoritative, informed voice within a business-relevant space.
Visit one of our partners: Central London Alliance
Cross-platform promotion
City A.M. will promote your brand in relevant sections of the website as well as provide social media support and inclusion within our daily newsletter.
Clear labelling and complete transparency instill confidence in our loyal audience.
Maximum visibility
All City Talk partner’s can select one main channel for their branded hub to feature under on the navigation bar on cityam.com.
Partners can then select up to 3 sub-channels for each article to feature under.