What’s love got to do with it?
WALL STREET, the London Stock Exchange, and Hong Kong have all been occupied at various points, but now anti-capitalism protesters are turning their attention to a new target… love.
Occupy Democracy, an offshoot of the former residents outside St Paul’s, have declared that they will spend a romantic Valentine’s day camped in Parliament Square.
The group recently won a legal battle against Boris to be able to hold protests every weekend until the election. This week’s will be called Occupy Love: Conquering Divide and Rule, and the group will look at issues of equality and representation in our democracy.
The Capitalist will be sure to drop by with a single red rose and a box of chocolates.
■ If you’re feeling smug about having completed a wholesome “Dry January” last month, then consider how one investment manager from broker WH Ireland boosted his fitness levels following the Christmas period. James Hughes took the firm’s racing boat Poppet (nope, us neither…) all the way to the International 14 Sailing World Championships in Australia. What’s more, Hughes and his team-mate Ben McGrane finished second out of nearly 70 competing boats. “It felt very surreal at times,” Hughes said. Well, it’s certainly one way to beat the January blues…