Three things you didn’t know about…
Chief executive of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe, Simon Lewis
1 His first job was working for property guru Gerald Ronson, when he did a gap year stint as a petrol pump attendant in Ronson’s flagship HR Owen garage in Hampstead Garden Suburb. The cashier was Jon Sopel, also on his gap year and now BBC North America editor. These days Sopel and Lewis tell people they started in the oil industry together.
2 Lewis went to the same school, Whitefield Comprehensive, as the world record long distance runner David Bedford. However, despite the claim to fame, he says the closest he himself got to that athletic success was qualifying for the Barnet under-14 race walk team. Simon and David received OBEs on the same day at the start of this year.
3 His father was brought up in a house where only Welsh was spoken and he went on to play rugby for London Welsh. Lewis, however, did not follow in his footsteps and has never played rugby in his life.