Square Mile and Me: Dan Moczulski on Etoro, interview faux pas and meeting his hero

Each week we ask a City figure to take a trip down memory lane. Today, Dan Moczulski managing director at Etoro UK, takes us through his career, from an interview faux pas to meeting his hero.
What was your first job?
My first proper job was in a local pub.
What was your first role in the City or in finance?
I initially struggled to land a finance role when I left university and my first job in the City was actually in media sales, working for the financial publisher Euromoney. This actually gave me a route into finance as it allowed me to regularly engage with people from the banking world.
When did you know you wanted to build a career in investment?
I can’t remember a time where I thought I would do anything else. I have a relatively limited skillset!
What’s one thing you love about the City of London?
Whilst I enjoy the history and the architecture, both new and old, the best thing about the City for me is the concentration of people. I can walk out for a coffee and bump into someone I haven’t seen for 20 years, or someone I’ve had a meeting with earlier that day. It’s a great place for building a network.
And one thing you would change?
The cost of doing things. For people just starting out in their career, the cost of transport, food and socialising must be a killer.
What’s been your most memorable City lunch or dinner?
Every Christmas, I meet up with a group of friends and former colleagues who I’ve known for decades for a game of Perudo in a German bar. I tend to lose but it’s always a lot of fun.
And any City faux pas?
There have been too many to mention. I try to suppress all memories of them though occasionally I do get flashbacks. There was the job interview at a brokerage where, thanks to a hole in my coat pocket, I managed to deposit around five pound’s worth of coppers onto a busy trading floor. It took me what seemed like a lifetime to pick each one up, as the bemused interviewer and others looked on.
What’s been your proudest moment?
I feel obliged to say marriage and the birth of my children. However, meeting Sam Alladryce at Waterstones in Leadenhall Market is also up there.
And who do you look up to?
Aside from Big Sam, I like to think I can learn something from everyone.
Are you optimistic for the year ahead?
It depends on which day you catch me but generally speaking, I think we are moving in the right direction. Economies have proved stronger than expected post-Covid, inflation is waning and financial markets are positive. It’s shaping up to be an exciting year at Etoro.
We’re going for lunch, and you’re picking – where are we going?
My wife and I always enjoy the Galvin Bistrot near Liverpool street. Perfect on a Sunday.
And if we’re grabbing a drink after work?
Anywhere. Literally anywhere.
Where’s home during the week?
A little village between Ashford and Canterbury.
And where might we find you at the weekend?
In a car, ferrying my children about.
You’ve got a well-deserved two weeks off. Where are you going?
After the winter we have had, anywhere with blue skies and sun. But if you’re paying, I always plan to return to Zighy Bay In Oman.
- Favourite book?
The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan.
- Favourite film?
I’m not sure I have a standout favourite, but I’m forever trying to get my son to watch Terminator 2.
- Favourite artist/musician?
I have a very eclectic taste and my favourite artists are always changing.
- Favourite place in London?
Walking along the South Bank.
- Cocktail order?
An Old Fashioned
- Coffee order?
Double Espresso. Especially when I need waking up.