Rapid Responses
Attack on property
I’m a chartered surveyor working in London, and I was recently informed that Newham Council has decided to introduce mandatory blanket licensing of all rental properties in the borough. Letting agents or private landlords must pay £150 if they apply for a license by the end of the year. Afterwards, a five-year license will cost £500. Failure to apply for a license will be an offence – and may lead to a fine of £20,000. I am appalled. This country’s freedoms, liberties, and private property rights are being eroded by the day. It is beyond frustrating that there are no mainstream politicians who are willing to sound the alarm, in a meaningful way, that we truly are on the road to serfdom.
Warren Hill
[Re: Big government is dead but iDemocracy will reshape our lives, yesterday]
Although Douglas Carswell is right to argue for living within our means, it’s important that a change in the stucture of the state has the support of both parties. The broad aim must be to make greater wealth available for everyone. Both Labour and Conservative party policies have simply concentrated money in the hands of their favoured groups. Although both parties offer the illusion of partisanship, the common denominator is still a faith in the state to solve all our problems. It would be disastrous for us to wait until the maths makes this failed belief system redundant.
Damian Hughes
Ed Miliband opposes cuts, admits they are necessary, announces he won’t reverse them, then says he’ll march against them.
The government’s handling of the West Coast mainline, costing the taxpayer £40m, epitomises its incompetence.
So there were fundamental flaws in the West Coast contract. I wonder how many other government contracts are similar.
It’s good to see competition in the retail sector. Sainsburys is taking on the giant Tesco at its own game.