Non-doms head to Italy in search of sun, scenery, and lax taxes Business Changes to the tax status of non-domiciled residents of the UK – non-doms – has been the subject of much scrutiny recently. Both sides of the political divide have been pro tightening the rules, while analysts warned it will drive investment out of the UK. However, there has been a clear surge in non-doms looking [...]
Non-doms are paying record taxes, but Labour will shove them out the door David Lesperance The wealthiest non-doms are packing their bags and taking their outsize contributions to the exchequer with them, and that’s just the start of the exodus of the wealthy that will occur if Labour implements its plans, says David Lesperance “London is nice… but it’s not that nice!” These were the words of one of my [...]
Tax from UK’s 74,000 non-doms paid for 18 days of NHS spending in 2022 Tax Non-doms contributed nearly £9bn to the exchequer through tax and national insurance contributions (NICs) in the 2023 tax year, the highest amount since 2017, when new rule changes were brought in.