Freshfields: Revenue passes £2bn at Magic Circle law firm but profit cut Legal Profit at Magic Circle law firm Freshfields was cut during its latest financial year despite its revenue passing £2bn for the first time. Freshfields has reported a pre-tax profit of £668.9m for the 12 months to 30 April, 2024, according to newly-filed accounts with Companies House. Profit before partners’ annuities increased from £497.8m to £675m. [...]
Lawyers are the new bankers as £1m salaries become the norm Legal US law firms dominate London's legal market with aggressive hiring, record salaries, and bold investments, widening the gap with UK rivals
Hiring frenzy at London law firms as ‘apex predator’ disrupts market Legal Partners at London law firms are switching companies at record pace as a surge of investment by American rivals ramps up competition for talent. According to data provided by legal recruiter, Edwards Gibson, there were 546 partner moves recorded over 2024. This figure is up seven from 510 moves in 2023, and up 14 per [...]
Linklaters early bet on competition law sees it leading in class action trend September 23, 2024 Law firms are racing to grab work defending businesses during the class actions surge but Linklaters sees itself at the 'forefront'