Protection for agency workers
The government will fast track tougher protection for two million temporary and agency workers. The move follows years of talks between employers and unions on whether non-contracted staff should be given the same rights as full timers. Many Labour backbenchers support tougher regulations to bring Britain into line with European labour laws.
Tax move costs Terra Firma dear
The departure from London to Guernsey of Terra Firma boss Guy Hands caused its profits to almost half last year. Guy Hands’ decision to quit the country for tax reasons cost Terra Firma £2m in exceptional charges, and write-downs, including the costs of refurbishing its London offices. His move was a protest against increases in income tax and capital gains tax.
£35m pudding for Noble Foods
Noble Foods, the egg producer and dessert manufacturer, was close to a deal for pudding maker Gü last night. A formal deal worth up to £35m may be announced as soon as today. Gü was founded in 2003 by James Averdieck.