Letters to the Editor – 13/06 – No blackouts soon, Best of Twitter
No blackouts soon
[Re: Are we returning to 1970s-style electricity rationing? yesterday]
Paying companies to curb electricity use voluntarily at peak times is a simple and practical way to shift demand, allowing questions over new investment in generation to be resolved. The coincidence of different sets of EU and UK legislation has temporarily reduced supply margins from historically high levels, but the risk of roving blackouts is slim. National Grid is giving extra revenue to companies that are willing and able to be more flexible in their electricity consumption, while balancing overall power demand on the grid. Demand response forms one part of the wider solution to ensure sufficient levels of supply. In fact, some energy suppliers already offer their industrial and commercial customers similar “interruptible contracts”.
Frederik Dahlmann, assistant professor of global energy at Warwick Business School
[Re: The World Cup’s six economic lessons, yesterday]
Point five hits the nail on the head. World football is suffering from a lack of alternatives to Fifa-organised tournaments. Teams should break away from this troubled institution.
Gerry Froome
Iraq chaos offers Iran a further chance to come out of its isolation.
During Iraq’s reconstruction, US spent $20.2bn to train & equip Iraqi forces. Results?
With the Vix this low, we have nothing to fear but the lack of fear itself.
Osborne is still failing to tackle the cause of the housing crisis – we’re not building enough homes.