Is delivering a third runway at Heathrow even feasible?
John Longworth is director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, says Yes
The Commission has provided a clear conclusion that Heathrow is best-placed to provide the type of capacity crucial for the UK’s long-term prosperity. It has laid out evidence on all the potential impacts for a new runway, including a clear cost plan on what needs to be delivered and a compensation package for local communities. Airport expansion is vital to strengthening connectivity for business passengers and boosting the productivity of the UK economy. The only feasibility problem is political short-termism. Business will ultimately judge politicians on whether they act in the national interest.
Daniel Moylan is the mayor of London’s chief aviation adviser, says No
The conditions the Commission has used to justify this decision are completely undeliverable. A legislative ban on a fourth runway is constitutionally absurd and has only been put forward because its own report says a further runway will be required by 2050. The pledges on aircraft noise are unworkable, including a ban on night flights that does not cover the entire night period, a noise authority that has no power, and promises of noise insulation for only a fraction of the homes worst affected. Heathrow is also commercially undeliverable without hugely increased passenger charges.