Zucker-bore is set on pushing his Internet.org
THE TECH geeks currently nerding it out over at the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona couldn’t believe their luck that just five days after Facebook splurged $19bn on Whatsapp, the connectivity wunderkind himself Mark Zuckerberg delivered the keynote speech last night.
The Facebook chief exec showed up in his trademark jeans and T-shirt and like some sort of verbal tommy gun, started spouting about Internet.org (his initiative to bring the internet to more people globally). “Has Zuck disrupted the need to breathe?” ribbed one tech journo on Twitter.
Host David Kirkpatrick asked the Zuckmeister, who was talking at great length about how much Internet.org is a force for good, whether the initiative would make Facebook money? The chief exec continued with his idealistic spiel before finally admitting: “Over time it’ll probably be good for us as well” – sparking laughter in the auditorium.
Zuck (as we’re now calling him) tried to ignore an audience question about still wanting to buy Snapchat only to have it brought back up by Kirkpatrick – “Look, when you’ve just bought a company for $16bn (not counting the RSUs), chances are you are probably done with acquisitions for a while.”
Unlike Snapchats themselves, that $3bn rejection just won’t disappear.